Monday, February 1, 2010

01 Feb 2010

It has already been one month into the new year and I have decided to once again take up my pen and start penning down my thoughts - so many things to think about, so many concepts, ideas, floating around my head... that perhaps to only writing them down would enable me to remember them...

Under great encouragement from a friend am i only reigniting my blogging.

2010 has ignited into a brilliant January, only for the flames to overwhelm and potentially die out... how true it is then... that "Love is like oxygen, it bursts into flames, and then suffocates you"...

I was absolutely correct... but what happens at the end of it, after all the oxygen is used up? is all that is left just charred ashes and broken dreams? or perhaps an opportunity to be like the phoenix, and reigniting the flame, burning the ashes into a constant perpepual flame, fueled by passion and hope.

Passion and hope.

"to look life as a painting is to wield the brush in brash strokes that defines reality"

To perpetuate change in the quest for awesomeness, one must dare to be different, to dare to brashly live their lives as if today was the last day of their lives, yet carefully plan as though they would live forever. Such is the only way to stay truthful to "carpe diem". To desire to live, to dare to dream, to believe in the unknown requires a certain mettle, a rejection of mediocrity, and a certain unwavering thirst for awesomeness, with a blatent persistant attitude focused on the goals ahead.

In a sense, all my experiences in the last few years, i have re-experienced in the first month of 2010. In an exhillarating start, i wonder whether 2010 will peter out into a decrepit of non-existantialism or will it reignite, catching on the winds of aspirations and desires ? That i cannot say. However one thing for certain, that being my father's son, i will persevere, and continue down the path of inspired awesomeness.

life... full of varied shades and colors, only for an accidental tipple to stain the masterpiece. You can't scrape off the stain, but instead you have to slowly, meticulously, patiently paint over it in order to replicate its original awesomeness. One cannot rush a work of art, but instead has to allow it to slowly reach the apex of perfection and attain immortality.

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