Thursday, February 11, 2010


Today i will talk about clutter.

In our lives, whether we realise it or not, we are full of clutter. Clutter is simply rubbish [things of no value] that takes up space and is no benefit to yourself. This can be in the form of both physical and psychological clutter.

Let's look at it this way. A Person is like an empty glass. Life, in all its awesomeness is pour into your life, like water... if you have too much clutter, like small stones and pebbles, they take up space in your glass, preventing yourself from getting the most out of life.

If you have too much clutter in your life, you can't be filled with awesomeness since all the space around you has been filled with rubbish.

It is important to clear out the clutter in your life before you can fill it with awesomeness. Get rid of the clothes that you no longer use and just takes up space, or crockery that just sits there, throw out things in your life that is no longer of any use. If you bought a new rice cooker, throw the old one out, dun keep it around just 'cos it still works. Some things are detrimental - old photos can either inspire, or hold you captive to your past, judge them, and then act accordingly.

Relationships can be clutter as well, you want quality relationships, relationships that benefit you and the other party mutually... not relationships that only DRAIN you and suck you dry. Be careful of who you keep around you, 'cos you will pick up their habits and become like them. The company of like-minded individuals will help propel you to greatness.

Surround your space with things that inspire you, clear out your boxes holding memories of the past that you dun need... focus on the awesome future you will have. Put up words of inspiration around your room, surround yourself with positive energy and increase your capacity for awesomeness.

My life is currently cluttered, both physically and emotionally. My first steps will be to remove physical clutter from my living space... to enhance my opportunity to maximise productivity for awesomeness. To set up an environment where i can be continually inspired.

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